Saturday, May 12, 2012

Welcome! My new blog....

I am setting up this blog to track my progress in my creative endeavors! No matter how hard I try I just can't NOT (yes, double negative I know) be creating something! I sew, knit, crochet, make jewelry, paint cloth....who knows what you will find here! My latest obsession is taking all of the clothing I've bought because I loved the fabric or texture and actually 'refashion' it....I have been collecting raw material for this purpose for YEARS. I actually started and am almost finished with a fabulous tank that I made from a way-too-big t-shirt with long sleeves. I will try to post it here when completed. I hope this little blog will give me motivation to actually finish things I start for myself.

I just signed up for a mini SWAP (sewing with a purpose) and I am determined to make this happen so I plan to post the progress...and maybe my thought process here.

These pants are my inspiration....I have some that are completely in tatters (being linen and worn A LOT!). I love the white but I think I am going to make them in a great natural colored cotton that should hopefully wear longer. I will be making a jacket and top of the same color as part of the SWAP rules.

They are from Island Importer and I am tempted to just order them but I don't want the front pockets or the drawstring legs and I REALLY want a reusable pattern. So....everything else will be designed around these pants!

Ideas for my SWAP

I found the following link helpful for my coloring....I need to break away from black!